Youth Grants

Youth Barossa, through its Grants Scheme, provides the opportunity for individuals aged between 12 and 25 who live in the Barossa region, to gain support for projects and activities.

Youth Grants Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Eligible?

Applications for funding under the Grants Scheme are restricted to individuals aged between 12 and 25, who, live, work or study within the Barossa Council region.

How Much Funding is Available?

A maximum grant amount up to $500

Other Supporting Documentation

Applicants must provide two written quotes for goods/services.

Who Can Support My Application?

Applications must have the support of an individual, community group or agency that relates to the wellbeing of young people with a signed letter of support.

How & When is the Grant Paid?

Upon approval from Youth Barossa, the grant will be paid via direct credit to the organisation named on the quote for goods or services.

Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcomes of their application.

What Do I Need to Do?

To apply for funding, applicants need to submit the following:

  • Completed application form - Apply Online or email to request a hard copy.

  • Required documents to be attached. (Quotes and Letter of Support)

  • Complete an Evaluation Form at completion of funded item/activity


Priority will be given to:

Individuals that have not previously received a grant from Youth Barossa

Activities that relate to an identified youth issue or need.

Individuals which have not received significant financial assistance from other sources.

Align with the strategic directions of Youth Barossa

Require Further Information?

Further information regarding the Youth Project Grants Scheme and application forms can be obtained by contacting the Grants Consultant:

Ph: 0491 645 236
